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European Capital of Culture

The European Capital of Culture is an idea that has its origins in Greece in 1985. The annual ECoC celebrations in successive European cities are intended to strengthen the integration of the European Union and showcase the cultural heritage of the EU countries. Each European Capital of Culture prepares an annual programme demonstrating the cultural assets of the city, region, country, and its international and European contexts. To date, more than 60 cities have been awarded this title. In Poland, it has been awarded twice, to Kraków in 2000 and Wrocław in 2016. The competition for the ECoC title is not only about great festivals, prestigious performances and exhibitions. Above all, it is about proposals that showcase Europe’s cultural richness and diversity, the European Union’s key civilizational values, and events that foster a sense of unity and integration. Participation in the ECoC competition is also an opportunity to face cultural and civilizational challenges, to revitalize life culturally and to increase the well-being of city residents.
The European Capital of Culture title changes hands each year; Lublin will be the one to hold it in 2029. The winning city is selected five years prior to the year of the celebrations, followed by many years of preparation.

Tłumaczenie: Aleksandra Górecka
Korekta: Zofia Świerszcz, 2 rok, grupa AN

Lublin is the European Capital of Culture 2029! The panel of experts praised our final application. Four bids were assessed in the second stage of the competition. Lublin has defeated Bielsko-Biała, Katowice and Kołobrzeg. Being shortlisted alone is a significant achievement. Winning the title shall result in a wide range of positive changes, bringing about cultural and social benefits. So, what exactly is the European Capitals of Culture competition?

The idea was born 40 years ago in Greece. The European Capital of Culture year in subsequent European cities was intended to strengthen the integration of the European Union, and to present the cultural achievements of the EU countries. Each European Capital of Culture prepares an annual programme that focuses on the culture-forming potential of the city, region, country, and its international and European contexts. So far, over 60 cities held the title, including two in Poland: Kraków in 2000 (granted in a non-competitive manner) while Wrocław was chosen in a competition to host the European Capital of Culture in 2016.

At first, the European Capital of Culture title was awarded to large, recognizable cities with a rich, global, artistic life. Over time, the emphasis shifted to select cities whose potential has not been yet discovered on the international arena. This approach provides the cities with a great opportunity for promotion across Europe. It often becomes the starting point for positive change, that residents recognize long after the conclusion of the project.

The ECoC competition is not only about great festivals, prestigious performances and exhibitions. Nowadays, the best-rated programs are those showcasing the cultural richness and diversity of Europe, civilizational values that are key to the European Union, and proposals that strengthen the sense of community and integration. However, participation in the ECoC competition is also an opportunity to face cultural and civilizational challenges, to revitalize life on a cultural level and increase the well-being of city residents. Therefore, when creating a program proposal, candidate cities should not only take into account the strengths, but also diagnose problems that can be overcome and solved.

The competition

The selection procedure takes place in two stages. All cities competing for the 2029 title had to submit their applications for the pre-selection by September 15, 2023. 

The selection procedure takes place in two stages. All cities competing for the 2029 title had to submit their applications by September 15, 2023, for the pre-selection. The first, 60-page document outlines the organizational and financial possibilities of the program’s implementation. The panel of international experts examined the applications. It recommended a short list, which included Lublin, Bielsko-Biała, Katowice, and Kołobrzeg. In the second stage of the competition, a more extensive bid was prepared. It outlined the comprehensive program over 100 pages. The cities also hosted experts’ visits and presented their candidacies during a meeting with the full panel. The European Capital of Culture 2029 competition results were announced on September 25, 2024.