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Creative Europe in Serbia

By 12/02/2025No Comments

We are coming back from Niš in southern Serbia after the networking session and a few days of training. There are plans to organise a similar event for the Lublin organisations of culture and NGOs. The training was directed at organisations submitting project proposals as a part of the different Creative Europe programmes. Among speakers invited by the Serbian Office, there are representatives from Creative Europe Desk, who work in EU Member States and other countries participating in the programme. We have been invited to participate in the training and deliver a presentation describing our experiences so far and upcoming project plans.

In the audience appeared NGOs from countries like Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Macedonia and Montenegro. The performances and presentations were accompanied by pitching sessions. The multi-day format of the meeting allows us to reinforce the network of partnerships and the development of transnational collaboration. It also enables deeper understanding of Creative Europe priorities, effective practice, and logical implementation of it. We thank Creative Europe Desk for the opportunity to be a part of this event.

Marta Ryczkowska
Maciej Rukasz


Tłumaczenie: Daria Nowak

Korekta: Aleksandra Górecka