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Idea of Re:union

RE:UNION is the slogan of the European Capital of Culture Lublin 2029. It stands for a meeting, a dialogue, mutual care and a new vision of the city. It is a return to the historic and pioneering concept of the Polish-Lithuanian Union, which is included in the motto “The free with the free, the equal with the equal”. We want Lublin 2029 to be a community of strong ties and authentic relationships between all Lublin’s residents, regardless of their religion and ethnicity.

The RE:UNION slogan encourages asking questions about a new community, awareness of distinctiveness and uniqueness when acting in cooperation. It indicates an invisible network of connections across the countries of Eastern Europe, connections between art, science, sport, and the creative and business sector. RE:UNION will strengthen them, enabling a flow of experience, knowledge, and critical reflection, which will activate their cooperation for the development of the city.

RE: UNION stands for strengthening ties and alliances, rebuilding communities in a contemporary, divided world. There is no better place for it than Lublin. It can be noticed especially in our close relationships with Ukraine and Belarus. These ties and network of contacts, which we have been creating over the years, have resulted not only in many joint artistic projects but also life changes. Particularly in the context of the war, taking place only about one hundred kilometers away.

In line with the RE:UNION idea, we have established special unions. The Union of Lublin Cultural Operators – the agreement of the city’s local culture institutions, non-government organisations, and Academic Centre for Culture, which have been collectively working on the ECoC 2029 programme. The Business Union – over 40 Lublin entities working on an international and global scale that together employ more than 32,000 people. There are plans with Lublin entrepreneurs to organise programmes developing and supporting the social responsibility of business. The Academic Union – rectors of all 9 Lublin universities declared cooperation to integrate the city more with academic communities. The Cultural Union of the Metropolitan Area has connected 26 cities, counties and communes of the Lubelskie area. RE:UNION goes far beyond the culture and borders of the city.

  • RE:UNION – reintegration as a natural counteraction of disintegration caused by the pandemic, crisis, and war.
  • RE:UNION – increase in the quality, intensity, and frequency of interpersonal contacts.
    RE:UNION – accepting multiple value systems, norms, and assessments while recognizing their common points.
    RE:UNION – a new social contract where everyone feels and is important.
    RE:UNION – building a real community.
    RE:UNION – a dialogue between various fields of art, cultures, generations, tradition, and modernity; the past and the future.
    RE:UNION – a union of entities under a single banner and idea.
    RE:UNION – a meeting.

Tłumaczenie: Daria Nowak
Korekta: Aleksandra Górecka