Katarzyna Duma

Katarzyna Duma has been the spokesperson of the Mayor of Lublin from  2019 till 2024. In December 2023, shwa was appointed a plenipotentiary of the Mayor of Lublin for the European Capital of Culture 2029. She has graduated from Unia Lubelska High School, the Faculty of Political Science of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, majoring in political science with specialization in journalism and social communication, and postgraduate studies in Public Relations at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. She is a communications specialist by passion and education. She gained professional experience working in nationwide media, advertising agencies, NGOs, and cultural institutions. She was an advisor in creating communication strategies for companies, organizations, and institutions across Poland. She was responsible for the creating a positive image and promoting their activities. She participated in numerous projects, workshops, and training in European policy, media, communication, management, and organisation of socio-cultural events and techniques for raising funds for NGOs’ activities. In 2017, she coordinated the communication of activities related to the 700th anniversary of the City of Lublin programme, simultaneously acting as its spokesperson. In subsequent years, she was responsible for media coverage of the 100th anniversary of Polish independence “Lublin 1918-2018. Freedom Inspires Us” and the 450th anniversary of the Union of Lublin “From the Union of Lublin to the European Union”.

Challenges give her the energy to act. She believes in the success of cooperation and always sees a chance for agreement. According to her, the most important lessons come from contact with people and conversations with the recipients of her actions. She always tries to meet the needs of others. She has a sense of mission and responsibility for its happy ending.