The city has announced the results of a new grant competition for children and young adults, “SUper Grants”. Financial support of up to PLN 7.500 was awarded to 25 student councils, covering projects such as “Spece z Magnolika”, “InteGRAciarnia”, and “Wesoły Europeanjczyk”.
– A student council is the first democratic organization where young people can pursue their careers. It serves as a link between all students and the institution of the school. It is also the first place for children to actively participate in social life. Thanks to the “SUper Grants”, student councils in Lublin will be able to support their activities, and thus contribute to decision-making processes concerning school life. It is a valuable lesson in democracy for children and young people – says Mariusz Banach, Deputy Mayor of Lublin for Education.
Most of the winning projects are consistent with the idea of the European Capital of Culture 2029 and refer to the 20th anniversary of Poland’s accession to the European Union, celebrated in May. “SUper Grants” were awarded to 13 projects from primary schools, including “School Student Parliament”, “Reporterska Czternastka – discover, create, communicate. Develop your journalism and broadcasting skills by becoming the voice of your community!” or “European Week: Building Community”. The 12 ideas from secondary schools included the inter-school city game “From the Union of Lublin to the European Union”, “Creative Space in Grabski” and “Play with Elsner – a board game festival against the background of Lublin and the European Union”.
The main objective of the new “SUper Granty” competition is the development and activation of student councils. The project is in line with the Youth Policy of the City of Lublin. The implementation of projects and initiatives by student councils will take place until the end of October.
A list of winning schools is available on this page.