Lublin is proud to join the Earth Night initiative launched by DJs For Climate Action, which promotes ecological awareness through musical events. On April 20 join an intergenerational celebration of World Earth Day.
Through music and educational activities Earth Night inspires actions to protect the environment. The initiative focuses on issues related to ecology and encourages taking specific actions for the planet. It is a unique platform integrating a passion for music with care for our planet.
Two dance events will take place to mark the World Earth Day. On April 20, a classic electronic party hosted by Danse Macabre, with performances by: Abyss, Rytmik, virtual geisha, nectar & nectarynka, among others. Sunday’s “Non-school Disco” is for the youngest children and their families. Rytmik, Junior Chill known as Junior Stress, and Lukasz Krzywiec ‘Krzywy’ will take the participants on a musical journey through various sounds. Invited animators will encourage children to dance and have fun together. All in the fairy-tale setting of Danse Macabre!
April 20 / Saturday
9.00 pm – Danse Macabre: Abyss; Rhythmics; Virtual Geisha; Nectar & Nectarine; TBA / PLN 40
April 21 / Sunday
4.00 pm – Non-school Disco: Rytmik; Junior Chill aka Junior Stress; Łukasz “Krzywy” Krzywiec / free admission
Venue: Black Room of Galeria Labirynt, 5 Popiełuszki street